Nikhil Shagrithaya

Hi! I’m a fourth year Computer Science PhD student at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, advised by Prof. Mahdi Cheraghchi. I am mostly interested in topics in theoretical computer science. Specifically, I’m interested in Computational Complexity, Coding Theory, and the analysis of Boolean Functions.
Previously, I completed a masters at IIT Kanpur, where I was advised by Prof. Rajat Mittal, and I completed my undergrad at the LNM Institute of Information Technology.
Prior to working in theoretical computer science, I was really into working with memory safe languages, such as Rust, and even contributed to Servo, an experimental web engine written using Rust.
Email: nshagri at umich dot edu
Twitter: nikhilshagri
- Random Reed-Solomon Codes and Random Linear Codes are Locally Equivalent [arxiv]
with Matan Levi and Jonathan Mosheiff.